Back to Business: Designerati’s Exclusive Interviews with David Clements, FUTURE Designs and Richard Costin, Bisley
It is rare for an event to happen that is so seismic that it will forever invoke conversations of what life was like ‘before’, but this year’s global pandemic is most certainly one of those. Online design magazine Designerati asked a cross-section of the design industry to share their experience of the cost so far of covid-19 to their businesses, and their route plan for the road to recovery…
Designerati interviewed David Clements, Chief Executive of FUTURE Designs focusing on adapting to new ways of working and Richard Costin, Chief Executive of Bisley concentrating on delivering continuity.
Read the exclusive interview with David Clements here.

David Clements, Chief Executive of FUTURE Designs
Read the exclusive interview with Richard Costin here.

Richard Costin, Chief Executive of Bisley