WellTek the leading provider of products that support wellbeing in the workplace, introduces Air0 the next generation of air purifiers to the UK market. Air0 Clean Air System is an air purification solution ensuring that indoor air is clean and safe to breathe.

Indoor air is polluted by multiple everyday sources including traffic, smoke, bacteria & viruses and chemicals, from miniscule pollutants that are impossible for the human body to detect or stop before they enter into our lungs and even all the way into our blood circulation and are incredibly harmful.

Not only will polluted air make people less productive and feeling dizzy or tired at work, there is also the potential for viruses and bacteria to  travel in the air spreading infectious diseases, causing an elevated health risk of lung cancer, strokes and other respiratory illnesses.

The Air0 purifiers are an elegant and sleek design; made of wood, with hand-crafted details and can be customised to suit their surroundings. While its state of the art technology tackles indoor air quality issues by removing even the smallest pollutants.

Air0 Purifiers provide exceptionally high amounts of clean air. Air0’s patented smAIRt® air purification technology is different from traditional air purification technologies due to the amount of clean air it is able to produce. Whilst traditional air purifiers need to compromise between purification efficiency and the amount of air flow, Air0’s smAIRt® technology excels in both, which is very important in order to be able to efficiently clean the air for the whole room. Very high filtration efficiency and very high air flow results in exceptionally high amounts of clean air.

The beauty of the smAIRt® technology is in the charging chamber. The pollutants pass the charger with such speed that not all of them get an electrical charge. However, spending some time in the charging chamber with other charged pollutants, the pollutants will effectively get charged. This is very different from traditional electrical filtration, which is limited by the air flow speed, as it needs to charge directly all the passing particles. Continuing forward, the fine-particle filters will then collect the charged pollutants effectively. The charge enables filter material to be looser-knit than traditional, very tight-knit HEPA filter, again enabling high air flow through the filter.

Not just an air purifier, the innovation by Air0 continuously measures the levels of air pollutants in indoor air with high quality indoor air quality (IAQ) sensors. Combining these elements into one IoT system, air quality and air purification can be monitored and managed centrally from anywhere.

The IoT sensors enable users to see the invisible – what we breathe. Air0 IAQ monitoring comes with portable, wireless sensor units which continuously measure air quality, and an intuitive traffic light classification gives increased awareness. This helps the user to understand the current status of the air quality at a glance, without being an expert on the air quality. The same colours are used in reports and data analysis, and throughout all Air0 solutions.

The air purification can be scheduled to run on weekly purification programs, which in most cases means “set and forget”. E.g. for office, the program could run on “turbo” mode for a few hours before people get in, setting then to a nice, quiet level for office hours. Air0 Purifiers can also run on automatic mode for full or part-time – in this case the purification will be adjusted continuously according to the current IAQ data from the sensors.

To make indoor air quality management even more care-free, automatic alarms to email and phone can be set for any unexpected events, whether something happens with the purifiers, their programs or with the air quality.

Air0 Clean Air System is an IoT solution, meaning all the elements are connected to Air0 Cloud. The connected system scales up to any needs (unlimited number of sensors and purifiers) and can be fully managed and monitored centrally via the Air0 App and Web solutions.