Mental Health & the construction industry
Male construction workers are said to be at the most risk of suicide than any other group or profession in the UK.
Workplace expert BW‘s Head of Environment & Sustainabilty, Kim Morgan, wrote an article for the brilliant forum for discussions about health and the workplace Work In Mind, that looks at the need for changing attitudes to mental health in construction.
“Historically there is a lot of machismo that surrounds the construction industry, but as we enter 2019 itâs surely more important than ever that we work towards breaking down the taboos around mental health problems in the workplace. We need to put mental health at the forefront of the agenda.”
Read the full article here.
BW ensures that its working environment is as stress-free as possible and has extended its partnership with Rethink, its nominated charity. Rethink continues to provide support and information to thousands of people affected by mental illness and their carers, as well as campaigning to change policy and public attitudes.
For more information contact [email protected].