Earlier in the year BDG welcomed Britain’s fastest woman Dina Asher-Smith to its studio to share her experience at competing at an elite level. Dina Asher-Smith not only holds the British records in the 100m and 200m sprints, but became the fastest teenager ever over 60m at the 2015 European Athletics Indoor Championships. Last year Dina brought home a Bronze medal from the Rio Olympics for the 4x100m relay at the mere age of 20: all whilst completing a History Degree at Kings College London University. Dina is also the 2016 European Champion at 200m, the 2014 World Junior Champion at 100m and 2013 European Champion at 200m.

Dina gave the audience an insight into the average day of an Olympian and what it really takes to be great in your field whether it be athletics, business, or design etc.

Picking your passion and journey in life is the most important step. Finding what triggers that smile on you’re face will make success that much easier, Dina said life is all about enjoyment and loving what we do! And Dina’s elaborate grin whilst talking about athletics and racing spoke for itself; her career is the right one for her.

Dina admitted that it is so easy to overestimate the importance of one defining moment and underestimate the value of making better decisions on a daily basis. Almost every habit that you have, good or bad, is the result of many small decisions over time. Dina stressed the importance of marginal gains, the success of that one moment is achieved through constant hard work and preparation. There is no simple quick fix to become an Olympic Athlete.

Andy Swann, BDG, asked Dina the question we were all thinking whilst we gawked at her achievements so young. Do you ever feel as though you are missing out on the experience of being young? Which Dina solidly replied with, no. For Dina the bigger picture is far too important and brings her more joy than staying out late drinking. She prides herself on picking good company and shared her thoughts on the importance of having a solid group of people around who are the perfect influences for your personal journey.

Dina gave us one last secret to her success – keeping perspective. It’s important to remember what you’re goal is and why you want to achieve it. Keeping in the back of you’re mind where you want to go and how you’re going to achieve it is key to staying motivated even on those cold dark days when you do not want to get out of bed.

Last but not least, Dina reminded us all to enjoy it. Life is too short to be putting your all into something you do not love. Make sure you find your passion and be the best you possibly can at it.