Bruceshaw Voice: Reinventing the highstreet
Bruceshaw launches its second investigation into the retail sector
with its latest Bruceshaw Voice. The paper calls for the urgent reinvention of the high
street in the wake of increasing consternation regarding its relevance and purpose in
modern society.
While a changing world is clearly demanding a new role and purpose for many of our
high streets, little has so far been done to try and redefine town centres for the
modern era, especially those outside the major metropolitan centres. So, what needs
to change?
Hot topics include:
Making shopping an experience
The physical environment needs to engage and excite shoppers. This is what physical
shops and shopping destinations can do that online equivalents can’t. Stores need to
offer customer experience and service – are high street brands trying successfully to
do this?
Change uses and create flexible spaces
Planning is too restrictive and doesn’t reflect the changing world of work, living and
leisure. Can local authorities and developers work together to create more mixed and
flexible spaces which can adapt cost-effectively as high street requirements change?
Embrace technology
Does the high street use technology properly to add to the customer service
experience whether through simple tech such as Wi-Fi, future technologies like
augmented reality, or robotics and automation for in-store delivery?
Invest in the high street
There is a lot of talk about the cost of maintaining a store portfolio but, to improve
shopping, should retailers and shopping centre landlords invest in their physical
space continually?
Encourage innovation and disruptors
The high street needs to be a fertile ground for innovators and disruptors. With many
of the legacy retailers struggling, what retail ideas are out there to encourage the
high street as a fantastic channel to the consumer?
This edition of Bruceshaw Voice was created in conversation with journalist Mark
Faithfull, managing partner Paul Body, senior associate Tim Valler, and associate
Conor Kelly.
For further information, please download the Bruceshaw voice or contact Anna King:
+44 (0) 7780 956 291
[email protected]