FUTURE designs are developing concepts based on Human Centric Lighting, a method which puts emphasis on the visual and non-visual effects of lighting design. Circadian Rhythm is the body’s natural internal system that regulates feelings of sleepiness and wakefulness over a 24 hour period.

Circadian rhythms and sleep

Perhaps more important for our health than tuning our lighting during the day is to ensure we have correct lighting at the start and end of the day, and eliminating light at night. Even the smallest amount of light spilling into our bedrooms at night can disrupt our sleep, so covering stand-by lights on televisions (which should be switched off anyway!) and covering gaps around doors are simple ways of reducing the amount of light we are exposed to while we sleep, complete darkness being required for melatonin to do its job. To engage the body’s circadian rhythms, the hotel industry may lead the way in introducing lighting that gradually comes on to wake guests up more naturally, and evening-time lighting colours and intensities for the end of the day. Inevitably this will filter down to domestic lighting.

Human Centric Lighting at the Nurburgring 24hrs

At a recent endurance motor race at the iconic Nurburgring, BMW Motorsport used adaptable pit garage luminaires and specially designed glasses incorporating coloured LED tech to better prepare for racing. It has long been known that cool, blue-hued light stimulates, so drivers were given blue LED glasses before each driving stint in the time leading up to the change-overs, to help make them more alert. Drivers who had finished their stint would then wear glasses with red LEDs to encourage them to rest and sleep. Lighting within the garage areas would also be tuned to shift, aiding both concentration and rest for the entire team.

Moving Forward

The change in demand for LED lighting for commercial buildings and office space in the last 3 years has been enormous and is sure to continue as suppliers up their game to meet market demands for higher luminous efficacy and increased product lifetimes. Building control software will further develop to be even more ergonomically driven, allowing better customisation of lighting which adapts and changes throughout the day. The use of tuneable white colour-changing LED will mimic natural sunlight, changing throughout the day, assisting and making the most of our natural energy and activity levels.


FUTURE Designs educational presentation on Human Centric Lighting with LED has been accepted by CIBSE as official CPD Course material.

For further information or to book our CPD presentation please contact:

[email protected]