When Bruceshaw attended MIPIM for its 30thedition, it explored the 30 years since the introduction of 1G by looking at the imminent arrival of 5G. Bruceshaw analyses the future of data and its infrastructure through a number of questions, including ‘How can 5G help harness the data explosion?’ and ‘Is 5G a data saviour?’.

The Bruceshaw Voice, which is the second white paper released in 2019, recognises that organisations today are confronted by exponential amounts of data, in many different formats and from a variety of sources. This data growth is showing no signs of slowing, with one International Data Corporation (IDC) study estimating that the amount of data created, captured, and replicated across the world could grow from 33 Zettabytes (ZB) in 2018 to 175 ZB by 2025.

The pressure on the network infrastructure to support demand for all these bandwidth-hungry applications and services is enormous. The mobile industry is offering up the arrival of 5G as a solution to issues of speed and performance. Promising mobile data download speeds that are up to 100 times faster than 4G, the expectations of what 5G can deliver are high.

Top five questions include:

  • Will private networks take the lead due to public network coverage taking too long?
  • How much light can be shed on Dark Fibre?
  • Reality of local authority’s collaboration?
  • 10G – dream or nightmare?
  • Who’s keeping an eye on the development of relevant technology

Bruceshaw provides building consultancy services across a number of sectors, including retail, commercial, datacentres and residential. Through a sequence of Bruceshaw Voice white papers, experts from Bruceshaw team up with a journalist specialising in the chosen sector to explore current and future trends, in order to bring greater value to its clients.

For more information contact Anna.